Friday, December 28, 2012

Hello Blogging!
This has been a “loose” aspiration of mine for some time. One of those things that sounds nice, but not sure when I’ll get around to it…especially with so much laundry piling up… But now- if I am honest- I am taking this plunge more out of necessity than anything else. Have you seen that quote saying “you’re too busy not pray?” Well I think what is going on for me is that I am simply too scattered not to write about it. So many significant balls are flying in the air that I have to deliberately set aside the time to process- and a blog seems like the avenue that fits my personality the best. There is some accountability, a way to connect and link up to blogs that I am already enjoying on a regular basis and, of course, it is an easy way to share with those who are not sitting and enjoying coffee with me on my couch. Lastly, writing, although I don’t claim to be that great at it, is also something that I have always enjoyed and found cathartic.

So, a few things about me:
I have horrible grammar (feeling the need to note this as a disclaimer and an apology right up front). I promise to work on this… Someday.

I have been married to a wonderful man for a little over a year. I look forward to sharing our story. :)  Currently he is deployed for a year and we are just about half way through. Bleh…. Thankfully I have two adorable pups and a cornucopia of family and friends that make life at worst bearable, and overall hilarious.

I work as a therapist/social worker at a local homeless shelter, and I love it. I have the privilege to witness a level of healing that can only come from the Lord, and it is amazing.

I love crafts, cooking, the dog park (one of happiest place on earth- seriously!), and taking pictures.  Overall I just believe that you really do have to cultivate and nurture life-in both little and gigantic ways. New projects are always exciting to me and I look forward to chronicling them here often.

Finally, above all else, I am a Christian. Working out my salvation in daily life- whether it is dealing with emotions, conflict, or whatever comes up in this crazy world- is something that I continually work at and contemplate. I know that independently of Him, I am useless.

So, that's me in a nutshell. I aim comitted to posting at least three times a week through January, and shall see where things go from there.  I plan on starting off with sharing some of my resolutions for the the next year. 2012 took me to places I couldn't haven't imagined, and so I have nothing but high hopes for 2013. 
Thanks for stopping by! Please, introduce yourself!!

1 comment:

  1. Great start babe. Looking forward to reading your future post. You should feel lucky because this is the first blog I have ever read.
