Sunday, February 10, 2013

Progress Report

I am in disbelief that February is over a third of the way through.  And thankful.   Thankful for crafts. Thankful for farmers markets. Thankful for laughter.  Thankful it is over.   The past six weeks have been a mixed bag of joy and difficulty and I quite alright with moving forward into what I HOPE will be a quieter month. 

And what better way to start than to reflect on the goals I so enthusiastically laid out six weeks ago.  

1.        Reading the bible in a year:  In short, I have technically not been doing this.  However, I have had some of the most intimate devotional time I have ever experienced.  Things just haven’t been quite as structured as I had originally planned, but what I am doing is working well.  In some ways, I prefer this result.   It has left room for me to be sensitive to The Spirit and open to what I need in my day to day.  Not that there is no room for improvement- I can think of twenty things I could do to make it better- but that’s not the point. The point was to get into the word. And I have.

2.       Paleo Challenge: Epic failure- but by choice…… I know. This is starting to sound sort of funny, but if you know me I don’t think you’ll be surprised.  I tend to start projects with two fold- with lots of enthusiasm and unrealistic expectations.  My mental health required that I give myself some grace on this one.  However, I have gone to the farmer’s market every week save one, eaten more organic foods than ever before, and consequently have lost a little Christmas pudge because of making some better choices.  Again, I am pleased with how things are going, and enjoying my shopping/eating patterns.

3.       Working Out:  Going well. Not perfect, and some long dog walks do count because I just decided that they do, but I am happy with how I feel and the routine I have going.  On the flip side of this is utter embarrassment at my lack of strength… I had no idea how weak I was…

4.       Blogging:  Still loving it. I didn’t know how hard it would be to focus ideas.  Because I don’t have a super specific focus I find it difficult to decide upon content.  I spend a lot of time dreaming about different posts, but struggle with nailing one down.  But I look forward to figuring out what exactly I would like this hobby to look like.

5.       Project Life:  Perhaps my new favorite thing. It looks AMAZING, and is so much fun to create the layouts.  If you aren’t familiar, you should be. It just an awesome way to chronicle the day to day in a very meaningful and beautifully normal way. 

6.       Monthly Adventures:  Rained out!  I know you are thinking I’m lying- because of course, I live in San Diego, but really- it was rained out.  Julian in the rain does not a fun day make- even with pie. Wishing myself (and planning the logistics) better luck this February.

So there you have it.  Perfection was never the point.   I am so pleased at my intentionality in working at and taking on challenges that I knew were good for me.  And I look forward sharing even more of that here in the coming weeks!   

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